Sunday, April 19, 2015

Real Life Spices From Your Kitchen Shelf.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Do You KnowThis Hidden Art Of Sensual Flirting?

The essence of being beautiful is flaunting it, not for the wrong reasons, but for magnetic reasons to the right guy for you. Beauty entails every aspect of you, from the outside to the inside. Use these series of articles to get some tips on how to attract a guy, make him yours and as well keep him. If he goes away, it should not be because of you and in such a situation, never compromise your worth.


Learn how to captivate and attract a man in such a way that he thinks of no one but you! These tips will help you make a terrific impression on the man you love. Become irresistible and charming so that he will stay by your side and never leave you.

Look presentable at all times
It is important that he should feast his eyes on you every time he sees you. You should dress in such a manner that he should not be able to tear his eyes away from you. Look sexually appealing and gorgeous enough for him to want to show you off to all his family and friends. He will be totally besotted with you.

Improve your posture and personality
If you do not have confidence in yourself, it will show and make you behave in an insecure manner that will put him off. The trick is to feel like you are somebody special - you will automatically walk, talk and behave like someone who is capable of turning all heads - especially his!

Appeal to all of his senses!
Make him feel joy when he sees you. Allow him to get a whiff of your sexy perfume when you walk by. Kiss him intimately and passionately so that he knows how you taste. Talk to him in a manner that makes him want to be around you just to hear your voice. Touch him so that he craves for you more. This will captivate him completely.

Be intriguing and exciting every day
He should be fascinated by the way in which you conduct yourself. Just when he thinks he knows you - you should let him discover a new exciting side of you! Let him realize that there are many sides to your personality and make him want to discover them. This type of personality and character will captivate him.

Let there be no pretense or lies
The moment he finds out that he cannot trust you - he will begin to lose interest in you. Be honest, trustworthy and be yourself. If he knows you are beautiful both inside and out, then he will love you more. Don't let him down by doing something underhand or disloyal.

Be ready to sacrifice
The more you are willing to sacrifice in order to jeep him happy, the more you will be successful in captivating him. If he notices that you are willing to do without just so that he is happy - you can be sure that you have his love and his heart! If you love him, then submission and sacrifice becomes easy.

Don't be too set in your ways
It is important for you to break away from normal, boring and set routines in order to bring some excitement and thrill into your relationship. If he thinks that you are too predictable then the might be tempted to look for excitement with some one else. Don't give him an opportunity to get bored with you. Plan exciting, sensual and spontaneous evenings and you will have him hooked!

As you all know, I am the hot lady with the hot articles for matured couples who want to maintain their relationships. The physical is very important and even though I do not encourage pervetness and acting "sluty" I also want to say, being wild in your intimacy makes your relationship more fun, relaxing, enjoyable and personal. So, even as you enjoy this piece, there are still more of my works you can check from my other blogs. So choose anyone or all of them and check them out!

1. The Beauty And Glamour Of The Eastern European Girls
2. 40 Hottest And Sexiest Personalities Close To My Kind Of Woman
3. Does Our Sexual Instinct Play A Big Role In Appreciating Beauty?
4. Sense Of Equality: Is Beauty Significant In Appreciating Our Equality Status?


Astrology Secrets

In my research for this article, I discovered that many people who read their horoscopes do so with an unusual approach, in that instead of reading all of the details as recorded in the texts, this new breed of reader, tends to ignore non applicable parts but do a retrospective search for the relevant and positive parts that did come true...

How Serious Is Astrology?

Although the Astrology approach, seems to be a world wide phenomenon, there is really no harm done, as long as we don't use our horoscopes as our only source of reference and motivation.

A recent study, by Susan Blackmore and Marianne Seebold, indicates that even those of us who believe there is something to astrology, don’t take it too seriously in our real-life relationships; in the study, women who received excellent horoscopes about their relationships were no more likely to report that the relationship was stronger than they were before they read the horoscope

What Do These Two Experts Say?

E. Alan Meece in his book "Horoscope For The New Millennium" published in 1996 made this forecast: “There is no doubt in my mind that the years 2010 and 2011 will be the most difficult of any we face in the next half-century. If we survive them in reasonably good shape we will have dodged the worst bullet in our future.”

He goes on to say, “….we don’t have time to dawdle if we wish our golden age to unfold—the opportunities after 2010 may not be as good as those of today (1996). Unless we learn to live harmoniously with the Earth and its diverse peoples, our standard of living may sharply decline from 2010 on, forcing us to focus on more practical matters. As Neptune enters Pisces in 2011, thus leaving the higher signs and moving into lower ones, our focus could narrow toward ‘worldly matters’ as it did in 1520 or 1848.”

Richard Tarnas, the renowned historian, states in his book Cosmos and Psyche, Intimations of a New World View, published in 2006, in his chapter entitled ‘Understanding the Past, Creating the Future’, “…..I tentatively anticipated that humanity’s collective experience during those eras would bear something like the distinctive archetypal character I had observed in so many earlier instances of the same configurations.”

“While these anticipations of the future proved well-founded, there occurred many specific events and trends in those periods that I did not anticipate. Before it happened I did not foresee that anything like the Internet revolution and the globalizing impact of the World Wide Web would happen during the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of the 1990s...Conversely, other possibilities that I feared might occur during these periods did not in fact take place.”

He further states, “In the vast majority of cases in which I have considered the likely coinciding events for future alignments, whether in my personal life, the lives of other individuals, or the life of the human community, I have been surprised—both by the many ways in which the relevant archetypal complexes actually manifested themselves beyond what I imagined, and by the ways in which they did not manifest themselves as I might have thought or feared.
Instead, in countless instances, I received a new lesson in the infinite creativity of the cosmos as it unpredictably unfolded its processes and events in extraordinarily consistent archetypal patterned correlation with the ongoing planetary movements.”

Between these two men’s observations we get a pretty good idea of astrology’s value in today’s world when when we try to make sense of "predictions". Astrologers, like the Farmer’s Almanac, base their predictions on observations made when past cycles occurred. In today’s world there are increasing mutations and variations that cannot be foreseen as so clearly stated by these respected sages. I am not an astrologer in any sense of the word, however, in my preparation and research for this article, I needed a reference or focal point of departure.

So I set out to collect various "substantiated" (documented) accurate Astrological predictions from the past and to select, by means of elimination the two most authoritative accounts, that of E.Alan Meece and Richard Tarnas.


“Are Horoscopes Healthy?”

“The effect of horoscopes on women’s relationships” by Susan Blackmore and Marianne Seebold, Correlation

“Who believes in astrology? Effect of favorableness of astrologically derived personality descriptions on acceptance of astrology” by Margaret Hamilton, Personality and Individual Differences:

“What is Synastry?” Sasstrology: www. .

And now, I would like to hear your comment. Do you have any tips to share with other readers of this article? Do you read your horoscope? what is your star sign? Please leave me a comment for my going research into this phenomenon. Thank you, Andy Hartslief (A.K.A. "Tranquilpen

People often use raisins and grapes as treats for their cats. But that is a very bad idea. Even though it isn't really clear why, but raisins and grapes can cause kidney failure in cats. Even a very small amount can make a cat violently ill. Hyperactivity and repeated vomiting are early warning signs.

For some strange unknown reason, not all cat types show signs of illness, it would probably be best not to give your cat any grapes and to keep grapes and raisins off counter-tops and other places accessible to your cat, this could save you a whole lot
of heartache.

What kids Need From Parents...

Writing this article was no walk in the park for me. I had set myself this question, and started searching for an answer that was short and to the point. I needed an answer that could be put across simply but containing something of value for my readers.

Our kids today, are exposed to unparalleled amounts of morally degrading and violent practices. Our kids need spiritual and moral guidance more than at any other time before and to fast track our efforts, I had consolidated 5 areas to research and apply, which will dramatically enhance a growing child's future life exponentially.those areas have been selected, after intensive scrutiny and here they are:

1. How to be obedient- and why.
2. how to never lie- and why.
3. How to overcome fear- and why .
4. Why we have to work
5. How to forgive-and why

By researching and teaching only these keywords, every angle needed for the spiritual and social development of your young children, are covered here.
Originality: 100%

How To Let Go Through Love


Just imagine how motivating it would be, if you were to receive confirmation from 100 years in the future that your present efforts, however insignificant some may have appeared to be, have helped change our planet for the better?

People who are working for the greater good often end up feeling defeated and disillusioned because they cannot see instant results from their efforts. Many start out feeling eager and inspired, wanting to make a meaningful difference, however, when nothing outwardly seems to be changing, they start to think that they aren't making any headway after all and simply give up.

When it comes to large goals that take many years to complete, we cannot allow an apparent lack of results to stop us, especially when what we have started, has a long term goal, spanning many years. There is simply too much at stake and the consequences are way too high.

Feelings of disillusionment however, can be overcome by acting from a sense of love and also a sincere desire to make a difference, and then just letting go. What I am saying, is that "letting go", is really a means of expressing your trust in that positive difference which your positive actions and thoughts have made, even if you can't see it yet.

Some of these changes may not be obvious for hundreds of years. We need to trust that one day, they will become obvious, and then, simply remain focused on taking those steps now, that feel right to you, rather than expecting immediate miracles. Just as the Butterfly theory, shows that even the most insignificant or mundane actions can have a huge impact further down the line. Everything you do therefore, will make a difference, you need to simply hold on to those inner expectations.

Seeing your actions as laying an important foundation upon which growth and progress can happen later, will allow you to see your actions as a labor of love that makes you feel good about doing what you can.

Keeping a detached and dispassionate attitude like this is the surest way to a successful outcome regardless of how long it takes to become obvious.



Copyright © 2013 Tranquilpen

Even the toughest meat cuts are no match for this +Ceylon-

Here is how:
Ø Place four black teabags in a pot of warm water (not Boiling)
and steep for 5 minutes.
Ø Strain and stir in 1/2 cup of brown sugar until it dissolves.
Ø Season 1.5 kg (3 pounds) of meat with salt, pepper, onions,
and garlic powder and place into a baking dish.
Ø Pour the liquid over the+seasoned-meat, cover and cook
In a preheated 165 ºC (325ºF) oven until the meat is fork
Tender about 90 minutes.

Copyright © 2013 Tranquilpen Do not use without
permission. Article may be shared, if properly credited
and linked back to this source.
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Are You Getting 100’s Of Clicks Per Article?

Copyright © 2013 Tranquilpen

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What if you have breached one or even several rules, and are now being subtly short changed?. Well is it at this point where you find yourself right now? Would you like to know perhaps, how come a complete“Newbie” (Above quote) who had written a few,less than+Pulitzer prize winning articles achieves this?

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